Seutu+ Mobile app

You can use Seutu+ season tickets , Seutu+ Serial tickets and Seutu+ Day tickets conveniently with the mobile app. You can also find the journey planner in the application.

The Seutu+ app is available for the latest Android and iOS phones.

Purchasing a ticket requires signing up for a user account.
Please note: If you have already signed up for the Föli mobile app, use the same email and password to sign in and sign up for the Seutu+ app.

You can pay using a debit or credit card (Visa and MasterCard), MobilePay, Pivo or Apple Pay.

Seutu+ Season Ticket in the mobile app

Your Seutu+ Season Ticket is valid from the moment you buy it. Once purchased, you will find the ticket as a QR code in the Purchases tab of the app, where you will find all valid tickets and information about previously purchased tickets. The remaining validity of the ticket is displayed above the QR code.

The ticket is stamped when boarding the bus by showing the QR code to the reader.

If the ticket you have purchased also includes a Föli zone, two QR codes will appear in the mobile app. One code is for the basic journey and the other for the Föli journey. When you get in the car, show the correct code.

The Seutu+ serial ticket in the mobile app

Once you have purchased a Seutu+ Serial Ticket, you can find it in the Purchases tab of the app. In the tab, you can see the entire validity period of the serial ticket.

Use the “Use ticket” button to activate one ticket at a time, which will display the QR code of the single ticket in use and its validity period.

The QR code is stamped on the Seutu+ reader when boarding the bus.

Seutu+ Day Ticket in the mobile app

The Seutu+ Day Ticket can only be used with the Seutu+ Mobile application.

The ticket can be purchased in advance and is activated by pressing the Start button in the app. The ticket is then valid for 24 h. The journey can be completed if the 24 h time limit is reached during the journey – it is essential that the ticket is valid when the journey starts.

The ticket will be displayed on the Seutu+ mobile reader on the bus.